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Zaterdag 5 augustus is het party time in Vught, adres Kruishoeveweg 6!

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Vanaf 14.00uur ben je welkom en is er gelegenheid om te zwemmen, een spel te doen of gezellig te borrelen. Om ca 16.30uur gaat de fik erin en gaan we barbecuen, en aansluitend naar de contactavond in gloeilampenstad!

Vanwege inkoop willen we jullie vragen om zsm door te geven of je er bij bent, bijdrage is 10euro pp.

Tot de 5e augustus!

Angela en Annelies.


On Saturday, August 5th it will be party time in Vught, address Kruishoeveweg 6!

Starting from 2 PM you are welcome to swim, play a game or just have a drink and a chat. Around 4:30 PM we will light the BBQ and soon after that we can start eating. After dinner, we will of course be heading for light bulb city for the monthly get-together at TG040!

Please let us know whether you want to come, so that we can plan how much food we will need, you can take part for only €10,- per person.

See you on August 5th!

Angela and Annelies.